WISE, in partnership with Copper Valley Electric Association and Copper Valley Telephone, is helping to bring science education into the Copper River School District classrooms (CRSD). With the generous support of CVEA and CVT, WISE has been able to purchase science kits and deliver programs that enhance and compliment the curriculum of CRSD classes.
Throughout the district schools, kindergarten students will be introduced to magnets; first grade, electricity; second grade, simple machines; third grade, sound; fourth grade, electricity; fifth grade, chemistry: matter and change; sixth grade, energy, heat and energy transfer.
Teachers from the Copper River School District, Valdez City Schools, Mentasta, and Glacier View are welcome to contact WISE to bring programs to their students. These programs are also open to home school and correspondence students. Subjects include: Electricity, Magnetism, Simple Machines, Sound, Chemistry, Water Cycle, Salmon Dissection, and Skins & Skulls.